
Posted on Jul 21, 2012 | 0 comments


Theres nothing like a classic Hefeweizen. I’ve worked my way down to a really light beer, and this is the finale. It came out quite wonderful. It tastes just as good as it looks. Feast your eyes on this…


OG: 1.048
FG: 1.013
ABV: 4.6%
IBU: 12
Calories: 160 / 12 oz.

7 lbs. Wheat malt
1.1 lbs. Pilsen
2.4vlbs. Two-row
.25 oz. Hallertau (6.4% a @ 30 min)
.6 oz. Cascade (5.4% a @ 30 min)
WLP300 Hefeweizen Ale Yeast

Steep grains in 3.9 gallons of water @ 150° F for 60 minutes. Strike with hot water and bring to just over 5 gallons. bring to a boil. Add Hallertau and Cascade and boil for 30 minutes. Filter and cool wort. Pitch yeast. Use a blow off tube and ferment at 69° F for 9 days, then transfer to secondary. Leave for 10 days and bottle with 7.5 oz. corn sugar. Condition for 2weeks.

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