Posted on Aug 18, 2013 | 0 comments


One of my favorite beers ever is a Märzen (pronounced mehr/tsin). They are smooth, full-bodied, and malty with a slightly dry finish. The color is a beautiful amber color that screams “October” and emphasizes it’s bready, biscuity, and lightly toasted malt flavors. So naturally, I wanted to create my own. Having been scared to in the past, that mine might not live up to the Märzen I love so much, I put it off. Until now that is. Here is my Märzen creation that I’ve dubbed QMZ.


OG: 1.058

FG: 1.032

ABV: 3.4

IBU: 3.4 %


6.2 lb. Vienna Malt

3.1 lb. Munich Malt

2.4 lb. Crystal 10˚

2.2 lb. Two-Row

 1.5 lb. Pilsner

2.0 oz. Hallertauer @ 45 minutes (4% aa)

.25 oz. Fuggles @ 45 minutes (4.7% aa)

1 oz. East Kent Goldings @ 25 minutes (4.4% aa)

WLP862 Cry Havoc Lager yeast

1 pkg. Dry Lager Yeast

  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)
  • QMZ (Märzen)

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