I can’t say I had a lot of inspiration for making this particular beer. When trying to decide what to brew this go around, I found that this was a style of beer I’ve not brewed before. It looked quite tasty, has simple ingredients, and was an all grain recipe, which is something I would like to gain more experience with. I am very happy with the results. It is very light in body and fairly low in calories, yet is quite a well-rounded full flavored beer with a beautiful coloring.
Scottish Heavy
OG: 1.038
FG: 1.018
ABV: 2.6%
IBU: 18
Calories: 129
8 lbs. – Two-row base malt
.2 lbs. – Carafa III
.15 lbs. – Crystal 40°
.75 oz. – Fuggle hops (4%a) @ 60 minutes
.5 oz. – Goldings ( Kent) hops (4.4%a) @ 30 minutes
WLP028 Edinburgh Scottish Ale yeast (make a starter yeast a few days in advance)
Steep grains in 3.25 gallons of water @ 152° F for 60 minutes. Rinse grains with 2.5 gallons of hot water. Bring kettle volume to 5.25 gallons. Bring to a boil (don’t boil over). Add Fuggles at 60 minutes and Goldings at 30 minutes. At end of timer, remove all hops and cool wort to 70 – 75°F. This would be a good time to take your original gravity reading. Aerate the wort and pitch yeast. Then aerate the wort again. Insert airlock and ferment at 70°F for 7 days. Transfer to a secondary and continue fermenting another 12 – 17 days. Rack to a bottling bucket. This would be a good time to take your final gravity reading. Prime with 1.2 oz. of corn sugar and bottle. Condition for roughly 10 – 14 days and enjoy.