Old Jock Ale

Posted on Mar 7, 2010 | 0 comments

Old Jock Ale

I’ve cracked open the first bottle of the Old Jock Ale that I brewed. This is a clone from Broughton Ales Ltd in Scotland. It’s a dark amber beer with a malt, roasted grains and alcohol aroma. It has a smooth, complex flavor of rich caramel and toasted malt. It’s head is tan and made of large bubbles, although mine isn’t quite as full as I’d like. It is quite a delicious beer sitting at about 6.5% alcohol by volume. I found it to be quite light and easily drinkable. Unfortunately I’ve never had the original Jock Ale made by Broughton Ales, but I image it must be good if the clone I made tastes as good as it does. I highly recommend trying out this recipe.


Old Jock Ale

Broughton Ales Ltd., Broughton, Peebleshire, Scotland
published in: Clone Brews: Homebrew Recipes for 150 Commercial Beers by Tess and Mark Szamatulski

Yield: 5 gallons (18.9 L)
OG: 1.070-1.072
FG: 1.017-1.019
IBU: 27
SRM: 25
6.8% alcohol by volume

Crush and stepp in 1 gallon (3.8 L) 150?F (66.5? C) water for 20 minutes:

1 lb. (.45 kg) 55?L British crystal malt
4 oz. (113g) Belgian aromatic malt
2 oz. (57g) roasted barley

Strain the grain water into your brew pot. Sparge the grains with 1/2 gallon (1.9 L) water at 150? F (65.5?C). Add water to the brew pot for 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) total volume. Bring the water to a boil, remove the pot from the stove and add:

6.6 lb. (3kg) light malt syrup
2.5 lb. (1.1 kg) light DME
4 oz. (113 g) Malto-dextrin
1 oz. (28g) East Kent Goldings (5 HBU) (bittering hop)
2/3 (19g) Fuggles @ 4.5% AA (3 HBU) (bittering hop)

Add water until total volume in the brew pot is 2.5 gallons (9 L). Boil for 45 minutes then add:

1/2 oz (14g) Fuggles (flavor hop)
1 tsp. (5ml) Irish moss

Boil for 10 minutes then add:

1/2 oz. (14 g) East Kent Goldings (aroma hop)

Boil for 5 minutes, remove pot from the stove, and cool for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled wort into the primary fermenter and add cold water to obtain 5 gallons (18.9 L). When wort temperature is uner 80?F (26.6?C), pitch your yeast.

1st choice: Wyeast’s 1084 Irish ale yeast
(Ferment at 66-70?F [19-21?C])

2nd choice: Wyeast’s 1028 Scottish ale yeast (This is the yeast I used)
(Ferment at 66-70?F [19-21?C])

Ferment in the primary fermenter 4-5 days or until fermentation slows, then siphon into the secondary fermenter. Bottle when fermentation is complete with:

1 1/4 cup (300 ml) M&F extra-light DME

Best served at 55?F (13 C) in a tankard or pub mug.

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