90 Gallon Milestone

Posted By on Dec 5, 2014 | 0 comments

It’s amazing how fast a year can go when you are trying to make beer every other weekend. It’s been 11 months since I started my race to make 100 gallons of beer. Amazingly, I’ve made a whopping 90 gallons so far. When I tell people about my goal this year, the first thing they ask me is “what do you do with all that beer? Do you drink it all”? Despite my love for beer, I have definitely not drank 90 gallons of beer. That would be ridiculous. 15 gallons of that beer are still in my closet. The rest of it has been shared amongst family and friends. As for the 15 gallons in my closet and the 10 yet to be made, I will continue to share. As long as there is some left for me to celebrate my 100 gallon batch and to use as payment to those willing to help me with the renovations on our new house. Ahh yes, this will be a good end of the year.


Beers of 2014